Co-authored by Adam Strochak
The annual Weil Restructuring Outlook Survey has arrived, and not a minute too soon. With Europe on the brink of economic meltdown, the yield on a 10-year T-bill below 2%, oil above $100 a barrel, and a significant uptick in large-cap chapter 11 filings in the US in the fourth quarter of 2011, this year is going to be an interesting one. Over 125 restructuring professionals took part in the 2011 Weil Restructuring Outlook Survey, with intriguing results that you can read about here. This year’s survey will be open until January 27, 2012, so dust off your crystal ball, your Magic Eight Ball (remember those?), or whatever makes you a clairvoyant, and give us your best educated guess at what lies ahead for the financial restructuring profession in 2012.