Perhaps you will find yourself in the office this afternoon, realize that everyone else has left for the Hamptons, and wonder what you could look up on your favorite search engine while giving all appearances of doing serious research (even though no one will see you). Or, perhaps you will be catching the waves on a hot and sunny day this weekend only to have to run for cover when a summer shower breaks out. Sitting in the shade, you whip out your iPad and decide to surf the net instead. What kind of research will satisfy your inner bankruptcy nerd?
Well, for today’s Bankruptcy Beach Reading, we are offering you an opportunity to participate in our first Bankruptcy Trivia contest. How well do you know bankruptcy and all its historical and literary antecedents and references? Our contest will give you an opportunity to see for yourself. Of course, you do not actually have to look up the answers on the Internet, but you can be sure everyone else will.
If you want to participate in the contest, answer the questions below no later than 5 pm on Tuesday, August 2nd. Everyone who gets all answers correct (no easy task) will be entered in a drawing to win swag from the Weil collection, including a credit card flash drive, baseball cap, t-shirt, a two-volume 2011 Mini Code, golf balls (for the slow days), and a handy Weil tote. Of course, you can also sit back, ponder the questions, and wait until next Friday, when we will reveal the answers.